
ItzaZoo Review

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In my 20+ years of computer experience I have never had a more difficult time getting a software product I bought to actually work. I purchased both ItzaBitza and ItzaZOO for my young daughters after they tried a trial version and neither would activate through the internet, or even off line. I even got different activation codes from Sabi support after many e-mail exchanges and still can't get ItzaZOO to activate. I foolishly threw out my receipt before activating and thus cannot return, or even re-sell this worthless software.
I am an art teacher and would love to recommended this creative software, if it was actually user friendly, or even usable.
Sabi needs to re-think their horrible activation system. I understand this is to deter pirates, however hackers still find a way around any copy protection and those who choose to steal get a superior, activation free product, while paying customers get their money taken away and are left with a useless piece of plastic.
Very, VERY bad marketing, Sabi!

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ItzaZoo is a novel drawing game where the animals in the zoo can't wait to play.What kid doesn't love a trip to the zoo? They get a kick out of looking at the penguins waddle around their habitat, watching the lions roughhouse, and taking in polar bear feeding time. But looking at animals doesn't satisfy a kid's sense of adventure. Kids dream of jumping into the exhibit to monkey around with the monkeys! ItzaZoo fulfills this dream in a playful and educational way.

For the first time, it is your child's very own drawings that create a magical, interactive play experience between themselves and the most adorable zoo animals.Children develop a strong bond with the animals because of the loving attention given to each animal's moods and circumstance.In the polar bear playset, children are asked to remove the bear's diving mask which he needs while swimming underwater. His facial expression changes and children can tell that he is holding his breath. Then when the mask is placed back on his face, he smiles.
Gameplay The game comes with five zoo-themed playsets.Each playset is home to an adorable boy or girl lion, elephant, monkey, turtle, or polar bear.The animal asks the player to draw objects they want.If the player chooses to draw the object, drawing paper comes up and the player uses the mouse to draw the object the animal asked for.Players use their mouse to draw the object the animal asks for.There are many objects each animal will ask for.The game recognizes what the player is drawing and transforms the drawing into the focus of whimsical and wacky interactions with the animal.When the player draws the sun in the Polar Bear playset, all the penguins put on sunglasses.In the Elephant playset, the Elephant is eager to show off its ability to balance on a ball--but what happens if the shape of the ball is a triangle?Or a star?Or a square? The monkey wants its playmate to draw it a hammock to sleep in.Little does it know the player can pull the hammock they drew back and fling the monkey high into the air only to watch it count ten clouds as it floats down.
As players draw items like enough balloons to float the elephant's tent into the sky, or a greenhouse for the turtle, they're working toward collecting stars. In order to unlock the next playset, children must earn five stars.
Creative Problem Solving It takes some thinking and exploring to earn a star.Players must use their creative problem solving skills. For example, in the elephant playset, a star can be earned by watering flowers. The first step is to draw a rain cloud, then click on the cloud to make it rain and fill the bucket. As they water the flowers, the water level in the bucket goes down. If it empties before the task of watering the flowers is complete, then children must figure out that they'll need to make it rain again, in order to fill up the bucket and complete the task
Engages Children in Reading For early readers, ItzaZoo offers a new approach to learning to read. Instructional bubbles pop up throughout the game, giving sentences that ask for tasks to complete or give hints.Players who can't read a word can mouse over any word, and it will turn red and a child's voice will read the word aloud.
Visitor Challenges are the ultimate reading challenge. As players earn trophies by winning stars, more visitors are attracted to the exhibit. Once a silver trophy is earned, Visitor Challenges are unlocked. The visitor challenges the player to get their animal to perform certain actions, such as dancing with a snowman or slipping on a banana peel. These timed challenges feature more difficult vocabulary, and are more challenging to complete. Since they are intended as a bonus level, there is no reading assistance available.If the player is successful, the visitor takes a picture that causes an eye-popping flash and the player earns a camera point.Players don't need to stress out if they cannot earn camera points.Forward progress is based on Star Challenges--all of which have a loving support system for our early readers.
The best part of ItzaZoo, like its predecessor ItzaBitza, is that it doesn't compromise on fun. Children lose interest in other educational games quickly because those games aren't designed as games, they're designed as educational tools, and fun seems to be an afterthought. The new learning method fused into ItzaBitza and ItzaZoo was developed after a multi-year research project that began at Microsoft Corporation. The end result is a really fun game that teaches children important work-life skills, such as creative problem solving and reading.

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