
Quicken Essentials for Mac Review

Quicken Essentials for Mac
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I bought this software Feb 18, almost as soon as it hit the stores. Believe me, it was the biggest disappointment ever. As a Quicken user of 12 years, this software is not recognizable. It's nothing but a budget tracker, with none of the advanced features of Quicken for Windows. Actually, this software is like Quicken for Windows, minus 90% of the functionality. Quicken Essentials is really just that, the bare bones basics. You cannot even set up your paycheck, cannot use online billpay, cannot use with TurboTax, and you cannot even download or manually enter individual stock transactions. And most shocking of all, you can't even back up your data!!!! Am I angry? You bet I am. Instead of Quicken Essentials, it should be called Quicken Kindergarten. The following is quoted directly from their setup guide. I wish they put this stuff on the box.
"As much as we improved the experience of using Quicken when we rebuilt it from the ground up, there are some features you may have been used to using in Quicken for Mac (or Quicken for Windows) that we didn't include in this version of Quicken Essentials.
Quicken Essentials lets you to track the overall value of your investment accounts and the value of specific holdings, but the software does not track individual buys and sells, nor will it provide some advanced investment performance reports.
Exporting to TurboTax
Quicken Essentials does not currently support the ability to export your data to TurboTax.
Direct bill pay
You can track your bills in Quicken Essentials, but the program doesn't have the direct bill pay capabilities that allow you to pay your bills directly from the program.
Other advanced features
Quicken Essentials does not include many of the advanced features in other versions of Quicken, including Business features, Rental Property, lifetime planner, cash flow forecast, spending plan, debt reduction plan, emergency tax records, tax planner, and home inventory manager."
If Quicken for Windows is worth a retail price of $60 to $70, then this new version of Quicken for the Mac is worth at most 5 bucks. Seriously, it does nothing more than downloads transactions and helps you track your spending or maintain a budget. I feel like a total fool for purchasing this product and will be returning it to Intuit. And to think I waited almost 3 years for this product. I was really expecting to be impressed. After Intuit's horrible experience with TurboTax last year, I really can't believe they have the temerity to unleash this worthless product on the market. I expect people at Intuit to get fired over this disaster, and deservedly so. This product looks like it was designed by an 8th grader in order to help a 3rd grader do his arithmetic. And did I mention the graphics? Oh, so elementary. That little pink pig next to my savings account makes me want to scream !!!!!!

Click Here to see more reviews about: Quicken Essentials for Mac

Quicken Essentials for Mac personal finance software makes understanding your money a snap. Our interface has been completely reimagined, resulting in an intuitive, elegant application designed by-and for-Mac users.
Quicken for Mac automatically categorizes your transactions to show you exactly what you've been spending money on.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’ve purchased Quicken and used it for about 2 weeks. It’s acutely nicer to look at, and many aspects of it plan much better. However, it seems to crave added clicks to get assertive tasks done, and some appearance of the program, such as creating custom reports, are far too harder to find.

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